preponderance meaning 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. PREPONDERANCE在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
2022年1月26日 — preponderance的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the largest part or greatest amount: 2. the largest part or greatest amount: 3. the largest…。了解更多。
#2. Preponderance Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PREPONDERANCE is a superiority in weight, power, importance, or strength. How to use preponderance in a sentence.
#3. Preponderance definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
If there is a preponderance of one type of person or thing in a group, there is more of that type than of any other. ...a preponderance of bright, ...
#4. Preponderance Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Preponderance definition, the fact or quality of being preponderant; superiority in weight, power, numbers, etc.: The preponderance of votes is against the ...
#5. Preponderance - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
preponderance Add to list Share ; exceeding in heaviness; having greater weight. “the least preponderance in either pan will unbalance the scale” ; superiority in ...
#6. PREPONDERANCE | Meaning & Definition for UK English
The quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance. ... 'Their apparent preponderance may be due to the fact that they have been the most ...
#7. Preponderance - The Free Dictionary
the quality of being greater in weight, force, influence, etc: the preponderance of right-handed people. ... is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make ...
#8. preponderance Definitions and Synonyms - Macmillan ...
Definition of PREPONDERANCE (noun): most people or things in group.
#9. preponderance noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and ...
Definition of preponderance noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, ...
#10. preponderance - Wiktionary
... from prae- (prefix meaning 'before; in front') + ponderō (“to weigh; to ponder, ... preponderance (countable and uncountable, plural preponderances).
#11. Best 5 Definitions of Preponderance - YourDictionary
What does preponderance mean? Superiority in weight, force, importance, or influence. (noun)
#12. a preponderance of something - Longman Dictionary
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englisha preponderance of somethinga preponderance of something formalMOSTif there is a preponderance of people or ...
#13. preponderance-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: preponderance of evidence,在英语-中文情境中翻译"preponderance"
#14. preponderance - Meaning in Hindi - Shabdkosh
preponderance - Meaning in Hindi, what is the meaning of preponderance in Hindi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of ...
#15. Preponderance - Definition for English-Language Learners ...
Definition of preponderance written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, ...
#16. Preponderance of evidence - Legal Dictionary
No matter what the definition stated in various legal opinions, the meaning is somewhat subjective. See also: evidence. The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald ...
#17. Directional Preponderance In Patient With Deficit Of Vestibular ...
Vestibular function tests. Vestibular neuronitis. Diagnosis. Abstract: Introduction: The clinical significance of the Directional ...
#18. What does preponderance mean? - Definitions.net
preponderance noun. Excess or superiority of weight, influence, or power, etc.; an outweighing. · preponderancenoun. The excess of weight of that part of a cannon ...
#19. Preponderance meaning in Hindi - प्रीपोंडरानसे मतलब हिंदी में
#20. preponderance synonyms with definition | Macmillan Thesaurus
Synonyms for 'preponderance': majority, most, maximum, generality, balance, predominance, the many, at large, at (the) most, the mass of something.
#21. Preponderance Definition | Law Insider
Examples of Preponderance in a sentence. Preponderance of the evidence means proof by information that, compared with that opposing it, leads to the conclusion ...
#22. 證據優勢,preponderance of evidence,元照英美法詞典
preponderance of evidence. 中文. 證據優勢. 解釋. 作為民事案件的證明標準,指較相反的證據更有份量、更具說服力的證據,即證據所試圖證明的事實,其存在的可能性 ...
#23. preponderance - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
#24. Preponderance Meaning - YouTube
#25. Isolated directional preponderance of caloric nystagmus
Objectives: To determine the clinical significance of an isolated directional preponderance (DP) on bithermal caloric testing. An isolated caloric DP was ...
#26. preponderance 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
preponderance. 分享單字. US /prɪˈpɑndərəns/. ・. UK /prɪˈpɒndərəns/. C2 高級. 定義 影片字幕. n. 部分;大部分;優勢;卓越;主要;首要.
#27. Preponderance of Evidence | Insurance Glossary Definition
Definition. Preponderance of Evidence — an amount of evidence in support of a cause that, on the whole, is more convincing than the evidence offered in ...
#28. preponderance: Meaning and Definition of | Infoplease
preponderance : Meaning and Definition of. Find definitions for: ... The preponderance of votes is against the proposal. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, ...
#29. Preponderance - Urban Dictionary
The humans trapped in the Matrix were mostly unaware that the preponderant universe they experienced was digital. To most people these days, Tiger Woods is ...
#30. preponderance test in judicial - regulation of chemical - jstor
#31. Preponderance of Evidence: Definition & Standard | Study.com
Once you complete this lesson, you should understand what constitutes the preponderance of the evidence standard. You will examine the definition...
#32. Preponderance | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Preponderance refers to the evidentiary standard necessary for a victory in a civil case. Proving a proposition by the preponderance of the evidence ...
#33. preponderance Meaning in Bengali at english-bangla.com
preponderance /noun/ অধিকতর গুরুত, প্রয়োজনীয়তা ইত্যাদি ... Share 'preponderance' with others: Browse Dictionary.
#34. preponderance - English-Spanish Dictionary - Word Reference
preponderance - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.
#35. preponderance - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
數量上的)優勢;優越. Dr.eye 譯典通 · preponderance · 查看更多. IPA[prɪˈpɒndərəns]. 美式. 英式. n. 優勢. 牛津中文字典. preponderance. 重量的優勢,優勢,優越 ...
#36. preponderance - definition and meaning - Wordnik
preponderance : Superiority in weight, force, importance, or influence. ... from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
#37. preponderance of probability - Indian Kanoon
beyond all reasonable doubt; (2) by proof through preponderance of ... word " satisfied" must mean "satisfied on a preponderance of probabilities" and not ...
#38. preponderance中文, preponderance是什麼意思 - 綫上翻譯
n. (數量、重量、力量、影響、重要性上的)優勢;優越。 preponderance of force at the crucial point 【軍事】集中優勢兵力于要害目標。 have the preponderance over ...
#39. Etymology, origin and meaning of preponderance by etymonline
PREPONDERANCE Meaning : "greater heaviness, fact of exceeding in weight," from Latin praeponderans, present participle of… See definitions of preponderance.
#40. Heart problem. Preponderance means? - Practo
What does left ventricle preponderance means? as my father is diagonised by this and occasionally he have blackouts and shortness of breath ...
#41. definition of preponderance by Mnemonic Dictionary
preponderance. preponderance - Dictionary definition and meaning for word preponderance. Definition (noun) superiority in power or influence. Example Sentence.
#42. Preponderance of the Evidence | Practical Law
The standard of proof, commonly used in civil litigation, that requires the party with the burden of proof to demonstrate that an allegation or argument is ...
#43. Preponderance of the Evidence vs. Beyond a Reasonable ...
However, this does not mean that the beyond a reasonable doubt standard is absolute, the prosecutor must prove the case to an extent that no ...
#44. Meaning of "preponderance" in the English dictionary
Given the devaluation of literature and of the study of foreign languages per se in the United States, as well as the preponderance of theory over text in ...
#45. The Preponderance of Evidence Standard: Use In Higher ...
The preponderance of evidence standard, used in civil cases, is defined as. “the proof need only show that the facts are more likely to be than not so” ...
#46. Preponderance Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Preponderance Law and Legal Definition ... Preponderance in general terms means to be superior in number or weight. Preponderance as used in evidence law means ...
#47. WAC 192-100-065: - Access Washington
Preponderance of evidence defined. "Preponderance of evidence" is that evidence which, when fairly considered, produces the stronger impression, ...
#48. Matter of REHMAN, 27 I&N Dec. 124 (BIA 2017) - Department ...
preponderance of the evidence where a birth certificate submitted to ... defined a “preponderance of the evidence” as “evidence which as a ...
#49. preponderance翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
preponderance 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 優勢;多數;占優勢。英漢詞典提供【preponderance】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#50. preponderance - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"preponderance" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... But given the overwhelming preponderance of residents travelling on ID cards.
#51. preponderance Meaning in Bengali at sobdartho.com
preponderance Meaning in Bengali · Noun: অধিকতর ভারী অবস্থা, · Similer Words: preponderant · preponderantly · preponderance's Usage Examples: There ...
#52. preponderance | English Definition & Examples - Ludwig.guru
Definition and high quality example sentences with “preponderance” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you ...
#53. chapter 3 evidence a. burdens of proof - Colorado Judicial ...
Burden of Proof and Preponderance of Evidence —Defined. 3:2. Clear and Convincing Evidence — ... 3:12 Preponderance Not Determined by Number of Witnesses.
#54. Use of Preponderance of Evidence in Determining Specific ...
Preponderance of evidence is defined as evidence, consisting of accurate data, that is more convincing and of a greater weight that a student meets the SLD ...
#55. What Does "Preponderance of the Evidence" in Relation to ...
What Does “Preponderance of the Evidence” in Relation to Medical Malpractice Mean? ... To win a medical malpractice lawsuit, you must meet the legal standard of ...
#56. preponderance in Hindi हिन्दी - KHANDBAHALE.COM
preponderance meaning in Hindi is a translation of preponderance in Hindi dictionary. Click to see meaning, synonym, antonym for word preponderance.
#57. Left ventricular hypertrophy - Symptoms and causes - Mayo ...
Definition and pathogenesis of left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertension. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Oct. 9, 2020 ...
#58. PREPONDERANCE - Translation in Vietnamese - bab.la
Translation for 'preponderance' in the free English-Vietnamese dictionary and many other Vietnamese translations.
#59. WPI21.01Meaning of Burden of Proof—Preponderance of the ...
WPI 21.01 Meaning of Burden of Proof—Preponderance of the Evidence. When it is said that a party has the burden of proof on any proposition, ...
#60. Burden of proof (law) - Wikipedia
There are different standards of persuasiveness ranging from a preponderance of the evidence, where there is just enough evidence to tip the balance, ...
#61. Evidentiary Standards and Burdens of Proof in Legal ... - Justia
Some scholars define the preponderance of the evidence standard as ... Some have defined this standard as requiring the jury to conclude ...
#62. What is a "preponderance of the evidence"? - CMG Law
The phrase "preponderance of the evidence" is the standard by which all medical malpractice cases are judged. What does it mean, though?
#63. preponderance meaning and definition
preponderance meaning and definition · Excess or superiority of weight, influence, or power, etc.; an outweighing. · obsolete The excess of weight of that part of ...
#64. "On the Meaning of the Preponderance Test in Judicial ...
Talbot Page, On the Meaning of the Preponderance Test in Judicial Regulation of Chemical Hazard, 46 Law and Contemporary Problems 267-283 (Summer 1983)
#65. Preponderance Definition - Duhaime.org
Preponderance Definition : ... A word describing evidence that persuades a judge or jury to lean to one side as opposed to the other during the course of ...
#66. Preponderance Meaning In Urdu | Ahem Hona اہم ہونا
Definitions of Preponderance ... n. The quality or state of being preponderant; superiority or excess of weight, influence, or power, etc.; an outweighing. n. The ...
#67. Chapter 4 - Burden and Standards of Proof | USCIS
The standard of proof applied in most administrative immigration proceedings is the preponderance of the evidence standard.
#68. What is another word for preponderance? - WordHippo
Find more words! Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with, Find word forms, Pronounce, Translate from English, Translate to ...
#69. preponderance是什么意思? preponderance翻译(中文英文)
preponderance 的解释是:优势, 占优势… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:preponderance的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#70. Preponderance Of Evidence - Payroll Heaven
Dictionary Definition. n. the greater weight of the evidence required in a civil (non-criminal) lawsuit for the trier of fact (jury or judge ...
#71. preponderance chinese traditional meaning - DictionaryFAQ
preponderance meaning in chinese 優勢;多數.
#72. Preponderance meaning in Hungarian - Online dictionaries
preponderance meaning in Hungarian » DictZone English-Hungarian dictionary. ... preponderance noun [UK: prɪ.ˈpɒn.də.rəns] [US: pri.ˈpɑːn.drəns].
#73. Preponderance - WORDS IN A SENTENCE
Definition of Preponderance. a larger figure or amount. Examples of Preponderance in a sentence. 1. With such a preponderance of evidence, the jury will ...
#74. directional preponderance in clinical - electronystagmography.
What is Directional Preponderance and what does it mean? Directional preponderance in clinical electronystagmography refers to bithermal caloric induced ...
#75. 在英語漢語詞典的含義preponderance 1
preponderance - Translation, Meaning and Definition of preponderance in Almaany Online Dictionary of English-Chinese. 字典,中国,字典,免费线上,辞典, ...
#76. preponderance - Dictionary - AudioEnglish.org
Definition of preponderance in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of preponderance. What does preponderance mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation ...
#77. Preponderance- Meaning in Hindi - Pronunciation - HinKhoj ...
PREPONDERANCE MEANING IN HINDI · English Usage : the preponderance of scientific evidence supports the overriding similarities between men and women.
#78. preponderance - definition, etymology and usage, examples ...
Definition of preponderance in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of preponderance with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of preponderance and its etymology ...
#79. What is PREPONDERANCE? definition of ...
Definition of PREPONDERANCE: This word means something more than “weight;” it denotes a superiority of weight, or outweighing. The words are not synonymous, ...
#80. preponderance meaning in tamil - KitkatWords
preponderance Definitions and meaning in English · superiority in power or influence · a superiority in numbers or amount · exceeding in heaviness · having greater ...
#81. PREPONDERANCE meaning in Hindi - PastTenses
Looking for the meaning of preponderance in Hindi? Our Pasttenses English Hindi translation dictionary contains a list of total 7 Hindi words that can be ...
#82. preponderance meaning in telugu - Hello English
preponderance meaning in telugu: ప్రాబల్యంను | Learn detailed meaning of preponderance in telugu dictionary with audio prononciations, ...
#83. preponderance Meaning in Nepali - नेपाली अर्थ - Ideal Dictionary
Definition of preponderance should be included here. Please be patient. We are updating our online dictionary only for you. preponderance Synonyms. Synonyms of ...
#84. “Female Preponderance” of Depression in Non-clinical ...
Using the 85 studies that reported the mean BDI score for each gender, correlation analyses were carried out to test whether depressive symptoms ...
#86. Preponderance of Evidence: Meaning & Legal Breakdown
The lowest standard of proof is known as the 'preponderance of evidence.' The preponderance of evidence standard comes into play when the plaintiff satisfies ...
#87. On the meaning of the preponderance test in judicial ...
Page, Talbot (1983) On the meaning of the preponderance test in judicial regulation of chemical hazard. Law and Contemporary Problems, ...
#88. What Does Preponderance Of Evidence Mean? - Calvin Smith ...
What does the term "preponderance of evidence" mean in plain English? Here, our Atlanta car accident lawyers explain what it means for a ...
#89. Preponderance definition, meaning for GRE | english.best
preponderance. Definition of abbreviation (noun) -. exceeding in heaviness. Part of speech: Noun. Example sentences with this word:.
#90. Male preponderance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia utilizing ...
First, there are two subsets of CLL that can be defined by the presence or absence of somatic mutations. Presence of somatic mutations is ...
#91. Nepali to English Meaning of preponderance
Meaning and definitions of preponderance, translation in Nepali language for preponderance with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation ...
#92. Swahili to English Meaning of preponderance
What preponderance means in Swahili, preponderance meaning in Swahili, preponderance definition, examples and pronunciation of preponderance in Swahili language ...
#93. I read that residency decisions are based on a ...
Home; I read that residency decisions are based on a “preponderance of evidence”. What does this mean? This refers to a cluster of significant events ...
#94. What Does “Preponderance of the Evidence” Mean?
What Does “Preponderance of the Evidence” Mean? Preponderance of the evidence is the legal standard of proof in most civil cases. By Jessica ...
#95. preponderance meaning in Hindi
preponderance meaning in Hindi. pronunciation: [ pri'pɔndərɚns ] sound: preponderance sentence in Hindi. Translation Mobile ...
#96. Preponderance Meaning in English - English Hindi Dictionary ...
Know Preponderance meaning in english. Preponderance word meaning with their sentences, usage, synonyms, antonyms, narrower meaning and related word ...
#97. Legal Standards of Proof | Nolo
The preponderance-of-the-evidence standard is the default for most civil ... "Beyond a reasonable doubt" doesn't mean, however, that the prosecution must ...
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